Online geolocational restaurant menu/meal browsing and recommendation platform. Allow users to add restaurants, meals and also place recommendations for restaurants and meals. Also allow users to search for potential highly recommended restaurants and meals based on provided or current location information. Allow users to share their recommendations on social media platforms.
Allow users to add restaurants, meals and also place recommendations for restaurants and meals. Also allow users to search for potential highly recommended restaurants and meals based on provided or current location information. Allow users to share their recommendations on social media platforms.
Users can also specify additional information such as “Cheap/Expensive” and “Small/Large” portions with their recommendations. This recommendation information is aggregated to determine how cost-effective a meal or restaurant appears to be rated. Choices are kept binary and registration and authentication is simplified to allow ease-of-use and contribution.
Additional comments attached to the recommendation was later added as an option when making a recommendation. Different social media accounts could be linked together as one monolithic profile. The content of the system such as the restaurants and the meals are crowd-sourced. Users can provide images to accompany content which they submit. Content needs moderator-approval to be formally added to the system.
The entire basis of the web application was to provide a rating/review aggregator which attached to a more granular level of the restaurant scene such as the individual provided meals. This would generate an interactive menu with associated ratings and other helpful metrics attached to each menu item.
An awards system was also added whereas meals could obtain badges based on their individual statistics such as the percentage of recommendations in correspondence with the number of responses. These badges are visible next to the actual menu item denoting the accomplishment.
This was my very first foray into the Ruby programming language and the Ruby On Rails framework.