Software Developer Career Tips: The System Design Phase
27 January, 2020
A common category of interview questions that are being asked of both experienced and novice software developers alike are the 'System Design' questions. I cover a couple of resources to help you prepare for these questions.
personal development career interview system design
Software Developer Career Tips: The Technical Phase
21 January, 2020
The most notorious phase encountered in the interview process for a technology worker is the daunting technical phase which can come in a multitude of varieties which I'll briefly describe in this post (and also how to prepare).
personal development career interview
Software Developer Career Tips: Do Your Preliminary Research
13 January, 2020
When preparing for the in-person interview, you should do your research beforehand to anticipate what it may happen and how to evaluate and handle the possible offer.
personal development career interview
Software Developer Career Tips: The Initial Phone Screen
08 January, 2020
I look into the most common first step of the hiring process, the phone screen, and describe different ways to prepare yourself for this first encounter.
personal development career interview screening phone video conference